Steps in a Survey Project
*Establish the goals of the project - What you want to learn
*Determine your sample - Whom you will interview
*Choose interviewing methodology - How you will interview
*Create your questionnaire - What you will ask
*Pre-test the questionnaire, if practical - Test the questions
*Conduct interviews and enter data - Ask the questions
*Analyze the data - Produce the reports
Relevancy and Accuracy:
*Be familiar with the question
* Know the objectives
* Know the kind of information needed
* Pay attention to wording style, type, and question sequence
* Pay attention to survey length and make the survey interesting
* Collect the data in a reliable and valid way to ensure accuracy
Question Intent:
* Use legible questions
* Use relevant questions
* Use painless and quick to answer type questions
Good Vs Bad Questions:
* Be brief
* Be objective
♦ Avoid leading questions
♦ Avoid loaded questions
♦ Avoid built in assumptions
* Be simple
♦ Use words that are simple and direct
♦ Avoid technical jargon
♦ Adopt the same definitions throughout
♦ Avoid negatives or double negatives
♦ Avoid double-barreled questions
*Be specific